A toothache can completely ruin a day or even prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. And unfortunately, pregnant patients are more likely to develop toothaches, gum bleeding, and dental infections. And if you’re pregnant, you may face some restrictions in terms of what can and cannot be done to help alleviate the toothache. Fortunately, there are many ways to combat a toothache that don’t involve just using pain medications.
The first is gargling warm salt water, which can help kill off bacteria, decrease gum swelling, and help alleviate pain. Most patients should gargle warm salt water every hour to help kill bacteria and prevent further irritation of the gums.
The second thing you can do is apply cold compresses or ice packs which can help numb the nerves, decrease blood flow to the gums, and lower sensitivity. However, ensure that you aren’t applying cold directly to the tooth or gums as this could exacerbate pain. Instead, apply cold to the cheek on the side of the toothache.
And the most important thing you should be doing is continuing to partake in proper dental check-ups and dental care. This means adequately brushing your teeth everyday, flossing daily, and going to regularly scheduled dental appointments for appropriate cleaning. If you’re actively having tooth pain, using a toothpaste that is known to decrease sensitivity can be extremely beneficial. Using mouthwash can also definitely help with tooth pain and reduce accumulation of plaque and tartar in the future.
What Can I Do for a Tooth Infection While Pregnant
Tooth infections during pregnancy can occur at a greater rate than in non-pregnant patients. This is because the hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase bleeding, swelling, and sensitivity of the gums and teeth. These changes can increase the chances of getting a tooth infection.
If you’re pregnant, you might be wondering if it is safe to tackle a tooth infection during this time, or if you should wait until after the pregnancy. Most dentists will recommend taking care of a tooth infection during the pregnancy as opposed to waiting, as the infection could possibly spread throughout the body and put the developing fetus at risk.
Firstly, there is some concern about the use of x-rays, as they are required to diagnose a tooth infection. Fortunately, the radiation dose from dental x-rays is extremely low and safe for the fetus. On top of this, a lead apron is typically used to cover the belly as an added safety measure.
Once a tooth infection has been diagnosed, a root canal procedure is performed which is relatively straightforward. First the dentist will give you numbing medications which are safe for both you and the fetus, apply antibiotics to the site which will help kill off the bacteria, and remove the infected pulp to prevent a spread of the infection. This procedure is completely safe during pregnancy and can actually ensure that both you and the fetus are healthy. For more please contact us at Arena Family Dental 1049 Main St, Worcester, MA 01603, (508) 929-3330.